The University of Michigan MMPL Battery Prototype Facility Renovation won the coveted WCA Pyramid Award for 2016 in the category of Best Project Team (under $3M). The customers, Tom Waterhouse (UM Project Manager) and Paul Darling (UM Architect) partnering with Lord Aeck Sargent architect Robert Hewer worked closely with our team led by Jason Hammond and Mike Mourer to create this award-winning project. The battery prototype facilities in the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Lab involved renovation of existing space for a pre-manufactured dry lab along with the infrastructure on the roof for the new HVAC equipment, and coordinated with the South Korean company that furnished the batter research.
The Washtenaw Contractors Association (WCA) have these projects judged by impartial professionals in Minnesota. The project criteria included high level of cooperation between the owner, architect and contractor – resulting in true synergism between the stakeholders. This cooperation and synergism resulted in an improvement in critical aspects of the project (e.g. quality, budget, completion time, safety record, etc). The improvement is documented and sufficient information is disclosed for the jury to complete its review. The award nomination is supported in writing by all three entities.
Also, Mike Mourer won the University of Michigan Safety Award for his consistent superior work on site. The U of M formally recognizes safe behavior by rewarding contractor employees who exhibit exemplary safe work practices while on the U of M campus for capital improvement projects. Our team at A.Z. Shmina is proud of Mike, of our safety record and of all our employees that help make our work environment safe. Mike has been a dedicated AZSI employee for 29 years and we appreciate his commitment.